Selasa, 02 September 2014

Why Fad Diets Don't Work

Fad diets don't have the greatest reputation but they still hold relatively big appeal simply because they often tell overweight people what they want to hear. Often these sorts of diets promise quick and easy weight loss. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it isn't (and shouldn't be) quick and most likely isn't easy either.

Do these diets work in the short run? Yes, often they can but the short-term success comes at a price. What usually happens after you've lost the weight by following such a weight loss plan is that you will gain it back and put even more weight on than when you started.

It has been proven time and time again that those who follow fad diets often end up gaining back more weight than they lost. This is usually because these types of diets involve a lot of straying from the normal diet. So, once you've finished the diet, you can't wait to go back to "normal" eating. At that point, whether you overdo it or not, you will start to gain the weight back.

One way to identify a faddy type of diet is to ask yourself, "How long can I keep up the sort of regimen that this diet is recommending?" If you believe you can stick with it, then this is probably not a short-term fix. If you don't see yourself being able to follow the diet's instructions for a long period of time, then it most likely will work while you are on the plan, but your weight will shoot right back up shortly after you stop the diet.

The only real alternative to these types of diets is to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. This doesn't mean that you have to completely cut out the unhealthy foods that you love (as a short-term stricter diet might suggest). It means making healthy choices and then eating the "bad stuff" in moderation. It also doesn't mean working out heavily all the time. Exercising regularly could just be taking a 20 minute brisk walk three to five times every week. Try to pick an exercise that you don't see as a chore, something that you actually look forward to practicing.

As far as eating right goes, try to eat balanced meals. If you can get regular portions of unfatty protein, carbohydrates and fiber in every meal, you are doing well. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables during meals or even as snacks. Other healthy snacks include cheese and nuts which are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

The right type of weight loss plan not only helps you lose fat and weight, it also starts you on the right path towards a lifetime of healthy eating and activity.

Fad diets promise quick fixes but the real results come from the tried and true methods of a healthy lifestyle and awareness of the benefits of natural foods and regular exercise.

Senin, 01 September 2014

Here's a Women Dieting Mistake

 For health, diet is a dietary arrangements or dietary adjustment to your body. However, over the growing awareness in order to have a healthy body weight, the word ' diet ' is identical in the attempt to lose weight by changing your eating patterns. but diet itself without supervision of a health professional. Often make your health is compromised, such as body weight and never buckled down.
Offered by, here's a dieting mistake often made women.

Replace Heavy Meals With Snacks
Women often refused to eat rice but replaced it with snacks, with the thought that the snacks don't weigh the rice, bread or potatoes and will not make fat. However, the calories in snacks can be much larger than a plate of rice. and then, the snacks don't make you full. So replace the plate of rice with some fried foods or snack is incorrect.

Still Often Drink Sweet
you are on a diet, but you are still drinking soda, drink the juice in packs and are still often drink syrup. In these drinks, there is a lot of sugar contained in it. Sugar does not contain fat, but it can make fat high calorie counts.

Do not eat at the dinner table
More delicious meals while relaxing in front of the TV or your laptop, right? While eating at the dining table will make a portion of the meal remained stable. Various studies prove someone eat while relaxing tend to eat more than if eating at the dinner table. Then make it a habit to eat at the dinner table, it won't be long anyway, only around 10 minutes away.

Revenge on ' Cheating Day ' too Excited
Anyone have the pattern of cheating day, i.e. may eat anything on the one day of the week. This is okay, so that the body does not revolt seen various delicious food. But notice! That does not mean you can eat lightly. Eat one doughnut doesn't matter, not a half dozen doughnuts. Try a Hor can be, but not with the Hor breakfast, lunch of nasi padang and night fried rice. It will mess up your metabolism and diet for 6 days so futile.

No Sports
Many think the diet alone is enough. But the sport will help you increase your muscle mass. If muscle mass increases, the body will burn fat more easily. If diet alone, only the possibility of weighing down because muscle mass decreases, while the fat on your body does not decline.